Command: Ermap
Here you will see every information about the command "/ermap"
Permission: elytraracing.admin
Required argument : [] Optional argument : <>
Using commands is for the most of them outdated, and new feature only works with GUI. Recommendation: Use /ermap map [map] config (GUI).
List of map
create [map]
Create a map
map [map] config
Map configuration
map [map] show [on/off]
Show a map
map [map] delete
Delete a map
map [map] cleardb
Clear saved information
map [map] setlobbylocation
Define lobby location
map [map] setstartlocation
Define start location
map [map] setendlocation
Define end location
map [map] tplobby
Teleport to the lobby location
map [map] tpstart
Teleport to the start location
map [map] tpend
Teleport to the end location
map [map] setmaxtime [minutes] [secondes]
Define maximum time possible
map [map] enable [on/off]
Enable or disable a map
map [map] podium [on/off]
Enable or disable a podium
map [map] podium tp [placement 1, 2..]
Teleport to a podium placement
map [map] podium setlocation [placement 1, 2..]
Define location of a podium placement
map [map] setdifficulty [difficulty]
Define difficulty of a map
CheckpointSystem / EndSystem
Command: /ermap map [map] (Arguments)
Checkpoint / End
listcheckpoint <page>
List of checkpoint
Yes / No
listend <page>
List of end
No / Yes
Create a checkpoint
Yes / No
Create a end
No / Yes
removecheckpoint [id]
Remove a checkpoint
Yes / No
removeend [id]
Remove a end
No / Yes
insertcheckpoint [id_wanted]
Create a checkpoint with a certain id
Yes / No
Command: /ermap map [map] [checkpoint/end] [id] (Argument)
Checkpoint / End
linkto [id_other]
Remove links between
Yes / No
removelinkto [id_other]
Remove links between two checkpoints
Yes / No
Set particle
Yes / Yes
Set particle (if next)
Yes / Yes
Teleport to an object
Yes / Yes
setXrotation [rotation]
Rotation on the X axis
Yes / Yes
setYrotation [rotation]
Rotation on the Y axis
Yes / Yes
setZrotation [rotation]
Rotation on the Z axis
Yes / Yes
setboostmultiplier [amount]
Set boost multiplier
Yes / No
Define location
Yes / Yes
setparticleamount [amount]
Set particle amount visible
Yes / Yes
setsize [size]
Set size
Yes / Yes
Last updated
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